Intern Position for Omani Nationals: Remote Commission-Based Marketing and Business Development Role
هذا الاعلان مغلق: أنتهت صلاحية هذا الاعلان وتمت ارشفته من قبل مؤسسة التوظيف يمكنك البحث فى الاعلانات المنشورة على الموقع
المحافظة / المقاطعة
نوع الدوام
تاريخ النشر
التقديم مفتوح الي
الدرجة العلمية
عدد سنوات الخبرة
يحدد فى المقابلة
نوع حساب المعلن
صاحب عمل
الأماكن الشاغرة
غير معلن
الجنس المطلوب
غير محدد
الرقم المرجعي
تنبية عام: لا تقوم بتحويل اى مبالغ مالية مقابل التوظيف اذا كنت تتقدم لشركة من خلال احدي مكاتب التوظيف نرجوا الاطلاع على ترخيص المكتب وزيارته اذا امكن قبل دفع اى رسوم.
تنبية عام: لا تقوم ابدا بأعادة ارسال اى اكواد يحاول المعلن ارسالها لك على الجوال ويطالبك باعادة ارسالها له وعليك الابلاغ عن الاعلان فور حدوث ذلك لنقوم بحظر المعلن واغلاق الاعلان.
تفاصيل الاعلان
We at SILA TRADING CO are actively seeking a Business Negotiator and salesperson to expand our market in Oman. Priority will be given to Omani nationals with good English skills. Responsibilities include correspondence via email and WhatsApp primarily in Arabic or in English with our Omani clients, telephone negotiations in the next stage, and in-person meetings with interested clients in Oman. The general structure of this collaboration is based on profit-sharing, with payments made as commissions from sales contracts, but during trial period we can offer up to 100 Omani Rials as a bonus for each significant new sales contract for first time. (bonus + commission) If the final negotiations with customers require travel to further cities in Oman, we will cover the travel expenses. Furthermore, after a trial period of approximately 2-3 months, if the collaboration is satisfactory we may consider a fixed salary + commission Since 2017, we have been collaborating with an Indian company, and we are currently their exclusive representative in Oman. Their products include food colors, colors used in the pharmaceutical industry, pigments (colorants) for plastic masterbatch production, pigments (colorants) for the paint industry, and most importantly, colorants (solvent dyes) used as markers in gasoline, diesel, and industrial oils, which are utilized by refineries. Please visit our company website, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask: https://SilaTrading.Co We are available for meetings until Thursday, December 12, 2024, in Muscat for initially accepted applicants.